Neil and Melanie Kirkbride are the exemplary guides and master teachers of the program, empowering individuals with their life journey of learning and growth.
Clients have diverse backgrounds from around the world.
They share a strong appetite for change and growth with an awareness that the quality of the journey is as important as the goal – in fact, raising the quality of the journey is the goal.

Each offering alone makes an impact on the journey. Offerings link together for greater, accelerated effects – many who are coached learn to meditate, and vice versa. We offer guidance on sequence and timings to meet individual needs.
Everything we offer is grounded in practice and action, applying what’s learned in daily life to raise the quality of the journey, step by step.
Approaching personal and professional development as one, Melanie is an exceptional coach with over twenty years of experience helping people unlock their potential and thrive.
Neil’s insight and breadth of experience are highly valued by his clients, creating new possibilities and opportunities.
The catalyst for coaching is often career related or the desire for progressive change in personal circumstance.

Vedic Meditation
As master teachers, Neil and Melanie each teach Vedic meditation to equip students with both a life skill and a practice for life that forms a foundation for everything else.

A Soft Road retreat to restore, recalibrate, and establish deeper foundations is a memorable experience. Neil and Melanie lead Vedic meditation residential retreats each year, sharing knowledge and enabling those participants who are new to this meditation the opportunity to learn in an immersive setting.
Some clients choose to invest in a private retreat tailored to their needs. This could include learning to meditate, coaching, and a fresh approach to specific life challenges and aspirations.
Everyone who comes on retreat receives undivided attention, wisdom, insight, and masterful guidance – an open opportunity for a step change.

Talks & Master Classes
Talks and Master Classes are sought after events in The Soft Road program. These opportunities allow people to experience first-hand Neil and Melanie’s unique style of storytelling and knowledge sharing.
An aspect of Neil and Melanie’s mastery is the ability to identify topics that are highly relevant to the needs of the time. These events are always thought provoking and entertaining, with plenty of opportunity for interaction.